Lebanon / Côte d'Ivoire - 111
The product designer designs or improves the design of products, packaging, overpackaging, packaging, etc. intended to be mass-produced according to the given specifications.
It relies on a multidisciplinary analysis (technological, sociological, aesthetic and economic).
It takes into account the technical constraints of manufacturing. It applies the regulations regarding product information.
Search for the best possible packaging for a product while being the guarantor of the image of the brand for which he works.
Participate in graphic and textual creation.
Keeping a watch on the latest graphic and technical creations and innovations, thanks to his attendance at numerous trade fairs.
Carrying out tests in real conditions after having designed a prototype, then having tested the effectiveness of these ideas in series.
Negotiating prices with suppliers.
Taking care of stocks and deliveries or adaptations for special promotions.
Also taking care of overpackaging, i.e. transporting the different products individually to be easily put on the shelves.
- University degree in Graphic Design
- Needed experience: minimum 10 years of experience as graphic designer / experience in packaging and product design is a must
- Very good spoken French skills
You must be able to:
. Be informed of trends, new consumer tastes and current events
· Master visual creation tools
· Have a practical and artistic sense
· Have creativity
· Ensure permanent competitive monitoring and master the competition's products
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